Middle School and Junior High

Our classical curriculum in middle school is designed to provide students with a well-rounded education that is based on the traditional liberal arts. This type of curriculum includes the study of a broad range of subjects, including literature, history, mathematics, science, and languages, with an emphasis on the development of critical thinking and analytical skills. The purpose is to prepare students for success in high school and beyond by providing them with a strong foundation in the core academic subjects. Additionally, we focus on the development of character traits such as discipline, responsibility, and a strong work ethic, which will help students to succeed in their future endeavors.

During Middle school, students strengthen and build upon foundational skills.  Mathematics, Latin, Grammar, and more challenging reading material provide work in mastery-based subjects. 

In Literature, Science, Religion, and History, students actively compare and synthesize knowledge previously learned with new material.  Emphasis is especially placed on developing writing skills.  While we have devised a set curriculum theme for each grade, most reading material at this level is comparable from year to year, allowing for multi-age classrooms.  Math, Latin, and Writing are taught according to skill level so that students can be placed appropriately and may enter with no previous Latin experience.

This program is built to allow greater individualization of the educational experience within the framework of both a family environment and a professional atmosphere, with reliable and authentic religious formation permeating each setting.

JPII gives time and access back to parents in exchange for trust in and commitment to the program of the school.  Such involvement, when lovingly and joyfully administered, leads to success for the entire community in teaching the highest subjects of faith, hope, and love.  A committed partnership between parents and teachers is imperative for making home and school integration possible, practical, and successful.