Our Kindergarten program is a nurturing three day per week hybrid program. By the end of kindergarten our students can read, question, and write well enough to succeed in 1st grade.

Religion: Image of God Series, Who am I? (Ignatius Press), Kindergarten Catechism for Young Catholics (Seton Press)
This Catholic religion course is centered on an approach found in the writings and teachings of Saint John Paul II. This approach stresses the dignity of each individual as a person made in the image of God. The course has as its emphasis two key truths of the faith: God and creation.
Language Arts:
Phonics: First Start Reading – Phonics, Reading & Printing (Memoria Press)
Our Phonics program emphasizes ear training, blending vowel-consonant rather than consonant-vowel, blending with the unvoiced consonants first (m, n, s, r, f, t), one sound for each phonogram at a time, practicing the new phonogram and its sound in a word family list, extensive practice in the foundational skill of blending consonants and short vowels in CVC words, reading words and sentences as early as possible, using the learning pathway of printing to reinforce phonics, inclusion of a small number of sight words, correct pencil grip and letter formation and assessments to help the teacher measure student progress.
Literature, Poetry: Kindergarten Enrichment (Memoria Press, Classical Core Curriculum)
There are ten major movements in the art program that will serve as a foundation for study of art in primary school. In the literature program we read, discuss title,author and illustrator with various books. Vocabulary words are defined, newconcepts are explained and important ideas discussed. The poetry program willintroduce the students to title, author, lines, stanzas, rhythm, cadence, rhyme, etc.
Math: Beginning Arithmetic – Mathematics for Christian Living Series (Rod and Staff)
Kindergarten will learn to relate quantity without saying 1-2-3, they will see a pattern as a group and know its number without counting. The addition fact 3+2 is seen as a group of 3 plus a group of 2, not as 1-2-3 plus 1-2. They will thoroughly master the math facts up to fact family seven, subtraction family to six, money, time, and place value.
History/Culture/Science: Nature Study, Kindergarten Enrichment, Memoria Press, Classical Core Curriculum
Nature Study introduces the student to mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, birds and fish. They will look at special characteristics, body covering, and habitat. The student will also learn how they move, what they eat, and in what parts of the world they can be found.