Category: Formation

  • What’s Latin got to do with it?

    What’s Latin got to do with it?

    “What does it even mean to have a successful Latin program?” Someone recently asked me. I can hear the children melodically chanting now from the courtyard, Latin’s a dead language Dead as dead can be, First it killed the Romans,th Now it’s killing me. Okay. The standard defenses of Latin are somewhat okay, “It builds vocabulary, grammatical […]

  • Initiated

    by Amy Steppig I believe it was 2008, not long after the Confirmation of my oldest child and right after the Baptism of the child who would prove to be my last, when I sat down to map out the “Sacramental Calendar” of my seven children.  I wondered how I would manage to keep on […]

  • Celebration Post: End of Our First Year!

    Dear Friends and Families of St. John Paul II South Campus,We did it! Our first year of hybrid, classical, Catholic education in South County. This email is long – so here are its sections! 1.Accomplishments 2. Looking Ahead 3. Thank Yous 1.Accomplishments There should be more hybrid education in the world! Our model promotes personal […]